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Colombian Education Secretaries Visit Korea to Learn About Digital Education

education secretaries from Bogota and Tunja visited Korea
Colombian education secretaries of Bogota and Tunja pay a visit to the public education facilities in Korea

On May 16th, the education secretaries of Bogota City, her deputy, and Tunja City met at the Incheon Metropolitan City Office of Education’s digital education center to discuss the state of the Korean public education system. They also went to Terabooks’s printing site in Paju to understand the printing process for Korean textbooks. Following that, they attended the Sangmyung University Elementary School’s ELiF program learning site on the 18th.

Visiting the Incheon digital education center and Paju Terabooks

Visiting the Incheon digital education center and Paju Terabooks

On the 16th, the education officials of Bogota and Tunja of Colombia visited the digital education center under the Incheon Metropolitan City Office of Education.
For Incheon’s elementary school students, the Incheon digital education center offers courses on using digital devices, SW/AI, coding/app development, and creating Metaverse space. After attending classes on the metaverse space creation with elementary school children, the guests introduced the current situation of the high-tech classrooms in Bogota that Incheon City had encouraged.

Visiting the Incheon digital education center and Paju Terabooks

At Paju Terabooks, they were given an overview of Terabooks’s patents and a tour of the facility. Terabooks is a full-service print publishing house for our textbooks.

Attending the ELiF class site and the closing ceremony

Attending the ELiF class site and the closing ceremony

On the 18th, the secretary of education of Bogota City and her deputy, along with the secretary of education of Tunja City, attended two sixth-grade classes at Sangmyung University Elementary School that utilize ELiF’s elite course.
Our ELiF program has been adopted as a smart classroom learning program at Sangmyung University Elementary School since last year. The elite course of ELiF offers formal English presentation and writing assignments, such as essay writing, presentation projects, and discussion groups, and enables students to freely discuss academic topics.

Attending the ELiF class site and the closing ceremony

The attendees then made their way back to our headquarters to participate in the closing ceremony.
We presented our digital vision for the implementation of Colombia’s public education ICS at the closing ceremony and talked about the country’s future educational trajectory. In addition, we discussed on plans to launch our ICS system in the Colombian public school market after demonstrating our Oxford Discover, Math Alive, and englisheye programs. Finally, as both sides exchanged thank you gifts, the day wrapped up successfully.

Colombian education secretaries of Bogota and Tunja pay a visit to the public education facilities in Korea

Future objectives

The secretaries of education of Bogota and Tunja made the decision to hold in-depth discussions on how to apply and broaden the introduction of our top-notch digital education programs to public education in Colombia and to continue working together to increase educational opportunities for students there.

Colombian education secretaries of Bogota and Tunja pay a visit to the public education facilities in Korea

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